Everyday 20% Discounts for AirWayz Club Pass Members


AirWayz offers products by Designs for Health exclusively for Club Pass Members. If you are already a Member, Log in to unlock the products.
If you are not a member, you can learn more here .

Left Right
Mach 3 Speedbomber
From $135.00
Left Right
Left Right
Left RightPlus
Stack Radar
Left Right
Blazepod Kit
From $399.00
Left RightPlus
Left Right
Left RightPlus
Left RightPlus
Left RightPlus
Left RightPlus
Left RightPlus
Left RightPlus
Left RightPlus
Capto Gen 2
Left RightPlus
Left Right
Left RightPlus
Capto EZ

Engage in a journey of mastery with AirWayz, where the rhythm of your swing finds its echo in the heart of our golf training aids and services. We are not merely offering a service; we are extending a partnership, a companionship on the verdant paths where every stroke is a step towards perfection. Whether you are a seasoned golfer or at the dawn of your golfing journey, our training offerings are tailored to meet you where you are, propelling you toward the horizon of your potential.

At AirWayz, we revere the timeless dance of golf, the blend of precision, patience, and prowess that it demands. Our training aids are more than just tools; they are your allies in decoding the language of golf and honing a dialogue of finesse between you and the green. We are about nurturing a space where your aspiration to lower your handicap transforms into a tangible reality, where every training session is a stride towards the core of golfing excellence.

We believe in a community where the quest for improvement is a shared endeavor, a collective heartbeat. Our training services are not about transient gains; they are about instilling a culture of persistent improvement, of relentless pursuit of the essence of golfing mastery.

Embrace the AirWayz experience, where your passion for golf finds a nurturing ground, where the spirit of sportsmanship transcends beyond mere scores, nestling in the heart of every swing, every putt, every drive. Our offerings are a tribute to the unyielding resolve of every golfer who steps onto the green with dreams of a game well played, of skills finely honed.

Join us in transforming every golf course into a realm of possibility, a narrative of continuous growth. With AirWayz, you are not just improving your game; you are embarking on an enriching voyage where every session is a melody of learning, every shot a rhythm of perseverance, carving a symphony of golfing excellence that resonates through the halls of the AirWayz community.